Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week, we're talking about books we wish we could open for the first time all over again. I'm a big re-reader, but there is something magical about discovering where the narrative is going as you read along, so here are ten books that I'd love to experience for the first time again!
The Secret History: I first read this as a senior in high school and it was so completely unlike anything I'd ever read before, it just blew my mind.
The Bear and the Nightingale: I'd always been interested in Russia, but this book spurred it to a full-blown obsession and it was just so rich and magical and I love it!
The Queen of the Night: I read this as an advance review copy so I had NO idea where it was going and each twist and turn of the plot surprised me.
The Amber Spyglass: I remember how excited I was to read this book, to find out how the story that had been told through the first two books would be wrapped up...and I was not at all disappointed!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: I really wish I could go back to the time before I knew that J.K. Rowling was a transphobe and just enjoy the magic of these books.
1984: I'm pretty sure I was 12 or 13 when I read this for the first time, launching a lifetime love of dystopian stories.
Gone Girl: I did NOT see that twist coming and it completely melted my brain.
Wicked: I read this at some point during high school and it introduced me to the concept of retellings for the first time ever, which has become a mini-genre of books that I really enjoy.
The Remains of the Day: I had no idea how much this book was going to emotionally wreck me until the end and going in blind made it hit that much harder.
A Wrinkle in Time: For me, this book was special because it was the first time I felt like I really saw myself in a work of an angry, awkward, smart-but-underachieving middle schooler, Meg Murray was EVERYTHING.
A Wrinkle in Time was such a good read!
ReplyDeleteMy post:
I listened to A Wrinkle in Time with my kids and enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Here is my link if you are interested in popping over:
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a re-reader since knowing the ending of a book kind of spoils it for me. There really isn't anything quite like reading a book for the first time, is there?
ReplyDeleteHappy TTT!