Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’ve Read the Most Books By

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week, we're talking about our most-read authors. This was actually kind of challenging to put together since Goodreads took their "most read authors" feature away, but here are the authors I'm pretty sure I've read the most, in descending order.

Charlaine Harris: All of the books of the Southern Vampire Mysteries put her firmly on top of my list.

J.K. Rowling: This feels cringey right now, to be honest. Trans women are women, and her transphobia doesn't change that fact. Also unchanged is the fact that I've read all the Harry Potter books, The Casual Vacancy, and the first two Galbraith books. I do not intend to read her work any further beyond books I've already purchased, she doesn't need any more of my money.

Louise Rennison: The Georgia Nicolson series were great favorites of mine as a teenager. Such silly fun!

Philippa Gregory: I will never quit her Plantangenet/Tudor series, they are entertaining trash and I love them. 

Oliver Sacks: He's the reason I became a psychology major in college! I still have books of his I haven't read yet, and not all of his books are especially strong if I'm being honest, but I'm going to read all of them anyways. 

Nick Hornby: The more of his work I read, the more I find it hit and miss, but there's warmth and humor even in his lesser efforts that I always appreciate.

Alison Weir: I haven't responded well to her fiction efforts, but her non-fiction histories are very readable and I highly recommend them. 

Jane Austen: I've still got one more of hers to read!

George RR Martin: I would like The Winds of Winter now please and thank you!

Phillip Pullman: I extremely loved the three books of His Dark Materials, was only so-so on the first of the Book of Dust series and am hesitant to start the next because of the bad reviews!


  1. I had the same reaction to J.K. Rowling. I ended up leaving her off my list, but I totally understand why others made different choices. You'll get no judgement here. :)

    And I'll always love the Harry Potter universe.

    My TTT .

    1. They are wonderful stories that will always have a place in my heart

  2. I love the HP series, no matter what. I haven't read anything else by Rowling, though. I've read an embarrasingly few of Austen's novels. I need to remedy that!

    Happy TTT!

    1. They're so great, so witty and clever!

  3. Dying at your summation of Phillippa Gregory's series. "They are entertaining trash and I love them" is probably applicable to many of my books, with full enthusiasm. And it's just so fun to say.

    1. I tends towards pretension in my book choices, but these are just brain candy indulgences and I really enjoy them for that!

  4. I decided not to include series books on my list, but I've also read all of Rowling, including her Galbraith books and Casual Vacancy. I've read a lot of Nick Hornby, too, though not so much recently.

    1. The more I get into Hornby's catalog, the more hit and miss it is, but when he's good he's so good!

  5. I had to laugh at your Philippa Gregory comment. :) And I've heard good things about Alison Weir's NF stuff too.

    Yes to the Winds of Winter!!!

    1. I NEED the new Martin (to make up for how disappointing the series ending was!)

  6. I’m disappointed about Goodreads removing that feature. This week’s TTT would have been a lot easier! JK Rowling made my list too. I also won’t be reading more of her work, but Harry Potter was a massive part of my teenage years.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Right? Come on Goodreads, if you're going to take away useful features at least improve the search function!
