Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2019

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup of book bloggers hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week, we're looking forward over the next six months and talking about the books we're super excited for! For me, these lists are always hard to put together since I'm so focused on backlist reading, but even I can't avoid the siren song of frontlist hype, so here are ten books I'm looking forward to coming out soon!

The Winter of the Witch: This was actually on my list last year, too...it was supposed to be released in August 2018, but the release date got pushed back. I love these books so I am super pumped for the final entry in the trilogy!

Say Nothing: I know basically nothing about The Troubles, and I want to know something, and the blurbs on this one look promising.

Daisy Jones and the Six: Taylor Jenkins Reid is an author I've heard tons of buzz about, but I've never actually read any of her work, and this book about a female-fronted band in the 70s sounds really good!

The Club: I love a dark campus novel, and this one from a German writer set at Cambridge looks like it's right up my alley!

The Dreamers: Karen Thomas Walker is another author I've heard good things about, and this story about a sleeping plague is supposed to echo Station Eleven, which I loved!

The Trial of Lizzie Borden: This nonfiction book apparently not only looks at the famous murder case, but focuses on the Gilded Age world in which it happened, which sounds super interesting.

Necessary People: Like everyone else, I occasionally enjoy a twisty thriller, and this story about frenemies in TV news sounds super entertaining!

The Last Romantics: A family epic about siblings? That's pretty much exactly my taste.

Black Leopard, Red Wolf: I am definitely here for fantasy epics that aren't focused on the same old European settings and mythology, and so this African-set series opener from Booker Prize-winning author Marlon James is on my list!

Women Talking: I'm increasingly interested in stories about isolated religious communities, so this books (apparently based on a true story) about Mennonite women fighting predatory men within their community is very intriguing.


  1. Ooh, "The Trial of Lizzie Borden" sounds good. I've been fascinated by that case for many years.

    This is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. It's super interesting, and I'm definitely into books that look at broader social forces around personalities/incidents in history!

  2. I don't usually come across many nonfiction new releases, but The Trial of Lizzie Borden is one I found out about a few weeks ago and thought it sounded so interesting!

    1. New nonfiction just doesn't get the buzz of new fiction! I hope the book turns out to be good!

  3. Oooh - let me know how The Club is! You know I'm a sucker for a dark, campus novel!
